Analyst Reports

DateCompany nameAnalyst Reports
12/26/2024 IMAGICA GROUP Inc.(6879)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Announcement of business withdrawal and early retirement program
12/26/2024 Ferrotec Holdings Corporation(6890)
Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q2 FY03/25 [Report Update]
12/25/2024 Royal Holdings Co., Ltd.(8179)
Q&A sessions at the financial results briefing for Q3 FY12/24 held on December 11, 2024
12/25/2024 EPCO Co.,Ltd.(2311)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Monthly results for November 2024
12/24/2024 SBS Holdings,Inc(2384)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : SBS to acquire shares in Blackbird Logistics B.V.
12/20/2024 SWCC Corporation(5805)
Q&A Sessions at the Small Meeting for Institutional Investors (Q2 FY3/25)
12/19/2024 Carna Biosciences, Inc.(4572)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Revision to full-year FY12/24 earnings forecast
12/19/2024 Hakuten Corporation(2173)
Q&A sessions at the small meeting for institutional investors Held on December 11
12/18/2024 Hakudo Co.,Ltd.(7637)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q2 FY03/25 [Report Update]
12/13/2024 MELCO HOLDINGS INC.(6676)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q2 FY03/25 [Report Update]
12/13/2024 Fast Fitness Japan Incorporated(7092)
Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q2 FY03/25 [Report Update]
12/4/2024 Infomart Corporation(2492)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q3 FY12/24 [Report Update]
12/3/2024 AEON DELIGHT CO.,LTD.(9787)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Achieved the use of renewable energy equivalents at all offices
11/26/2024 NS TOOL CO.,LTD.(6157)
Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q2 FY03/25 [Report Update]
11/21/2024 Dream Incubator Inc.(4310)
Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q2 FY03/25 [Report Update]
11/14/2024 &Do Holdings Co.,Ltd.(3457)
Shared Research Inc. short report on earnings results for the First Quarter of FY06/2025 has been issued
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Business alliance with Daikoku Denki Co., Ltd.
Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q2 FY03/25 [Report Update]
11/1/2024 WATTS CO.,LTD.(2735)
[IR STREET REPORT]: Significant profit increase supported by effective cost control measures. Aim to achieve an ROE of 8% in the current fiscal year.
10/22/2024 SuRaLa Net Co.,Ltd.(3998)
[IR STREET REPORT]: Company focused on community service, seeking to improve the academic performance of all children mainly through e-learning business that harnesses AI
10/4/2024 SBS Holdings,Inc(2384)
Q&A at the Small Meeting for Institutional Investors Held on September 27
9/30/2024 VT HOLDINGS CO.,LTD.(7593)
Storm Research Report(1Q 3/2025)
9/4/2024 First-corporation Inc.(1430)
[ IR STREET REPORT ]: Sales target for the final year of Innovation2024 is 40 billion yen. With an annual sales goal of 100 billion yen, the Company is on track with a clear path ahead!
7/24/2024 SANYEI CORPORATION(8119)
Analyst Report (FISCO Ltd.)
Analyst Report(KAsset): Protect the environment and build customer confidence by extending the life of wooden houses and improving the wellbeing of employees.
Analyst Report(KAsset): The Company continues to grow with its technological and proposal capabilities. Profitability is also expected to improve with high-profitability-business and overseas expansion.
7/12/2023 Yamaichi Uniheim Real Estate Co.,Ltd(2984)
Analyst Report(Live): This term`s focus was on building a foundation to improve profitability
6/7/2023 Estore Corporation(4304)
Analyst Report(KAsset): Digital Transformation (DX) is a great business opportunity that is approaching. With an eye to the future, the company is modifying its revenue model from e-commerce support to incubation. The company is expected to make a big leap in the next fiscal year and beyond.
Analyst Report(Live): Timing of the company`s leap forward slightly delayed due to supply chain disruptions
4/13/2023 BCC Co.,Ltd.(7376)
[ IR STREET REPORT ]: Dispatch IT salespeople to both major and mid-sized IT companies through reskilling. Support corporate Digital Transformation (DX) from behind the scenes.
4/6/2023 SOLXYZ Co.,Ltd.(4284)
Analyst Report (Live) : Overcoming the last year`s unfavorable trend to return to the path toward double-digit growth from this year onwards
3/20/2023 Broad-Minded Co.,Ltd.(7343)
Institutional investors and analysts small meeting Q&A summary
3/6/2023 CUBE CO., LTD.(7112)
[ IR STREET REPORT ]: Looking beyond the golf market. A retailer taking its luxury brands to the world market.
2/10/2023 AnGes, Inc.(4563)
Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Released full-year FY12/22 results
7/29/2022 AGP CORPORATION(9377)
Analyst Report (PrimecomResearch): Evident recovery of business performance thanks to reopening & yen depreciation. The company will also reform the shareholder composition with a total return ratio of 100%!
7/11/2022 AGP CORPORATION(9377)
[ IR STREET REPORT ]: Contributing to society with its technological capabilities and environmental responsiveness to support the infrastructure of major airports in Japan,and aiming for continued growth by expanding into domestic and overseas airports and non-airport areas!
3/25/2022 IMAGICA GROUP Inc.(6879)
Analyst Report(KAsset): The only one creative & technological group that offers all kinds of solutions related to videos. Media diversification and globalization provide a chance to make a leap forward!
3/8/2022 SANKO TECHNO CO.,LTD.(3435)
[ IR STREET REPORT ]: Japan`s leading post-installation anchor manufacturer. An attractive value stock with stable earnings and dividends!
1/21/2022 NICHIREKI GROUP CO.,LTD.(5011)
[ IR STREET REPORT ]: No. 1 leading company in the industry that provides an integrated system of research and diagnosis, design and proposal, manufacturing and sales, and construction and management related to road paving, etc.
[ IR STREET REPORT ] : As a creative company that links agriculture and health, contribute to SDGs by growing the fruit and vegetable distribution business
6/18/2021 Global Information,Inc.(4171)
Corporate Research Report (Alfinanz Co., Ltd.) June 18, 2021
6/16/2021 AXIS CO.,LTD.(4012)
[IR STREET REPORT] : Development support company that got listed in Sep. last year. To grow further through the needs for DX + expansion of the corporate group
3/31/2021 Sansei Landic Co.,Ltd(3277)
Analyst report(Sessa Partners) : A year greatly affected by COVID-19: Sales -1% and OP -55%. Aiming for positive growth in sales and profit for FY21/12.
10/28/2020 Digital Information Technologies Corporation(3916)
[ IR STREET REPORT ]: Achieved the mid-term management plan ahead of schedule! Launching new service for further growth